NewYork-Presbyterian Kids →

Amazing thing were truly happening at NYP for kids. But not too many people knew about their extraordinary pediatric capabilities and services because NYP doesn't technically have a children's hospital. So we brought their most incredible stories to life on billboards and buses and cabs, with detailed versions on a new website dedicated to the kids.

Print and Poster Campaign


We completely re-designed the NYP Kids website for maximum flexibility to allow for the varying content we were likely to have because we were working with kids. Content was organized very much like on a Pinterest board where we could easily add (or remove) "tiles" of relevant info. By making our content child-specific instead of category-specific, we weren't constrained by too much or too little info in one sphere or other of the stories we were working with. It also gave us the opportunity to tout various relevant service lines for the hospital as well as helpful links. We would also have the ability to update pages with new info on the kids without sweating the layout.


CANON | VII Gallery


SUNTRUST BANK | Social Media